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The right to childhood: Reflections on the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize | Child Abuse & Neglect Journal


Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives Volume 19 2014 | Supp 1 2014 pages 1-222 Special Issue: Population-Level Behavior Change to Enhance Child Survival and Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of the Evidence

Yoga for Children and Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being: Research Review and Reflections on the Mental Health Potentials of Yoga. Published online Apr 2, 2014. Pre-published online Jan 22, 2014. Frontier's Journal Psychiatry. (Quoted in 

Work in Progress - Publications in Attachments



Nayar, U.S. & Bhide, Amita. Contextualizing Media Competencies amongst Young People in Indian Culture Interface with Globalization, (Eds.) Sonia Livingstone and Kriston Drotner, International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture, London School of Economics, Sage, London.


E-Newsletter, Institute of Advance Computing Management (IACM), “Education For Social Transformation: A Collective Step Forward”, October 2005.


Nayar, U. S. Poverty & Identifying the Poor. Poverty, Health & Development, No. 17 (p.25).

Nayar, U. S. Information Technology: Challenges for Paradigm Shift from Obedience to Negotiation with Children. In Towards Development with Young People (Eds.). Kaila, H. L and Kushal, K. B. Himalaya Publication, Mumbai, India, 2003.

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training-I. Summary, WHO/DAR/02.1, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Main Report, WHO/DAR/02.2, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland.

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report AFRO. WHO/DAR/02.3, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report AMRO. WHO/DAR/02.4, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland.

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report EMRO. WHO/DAR/02.5, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report EURO. WHO/DAR/02.6, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland.

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report SEARO. WHO/DAR/02.7, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland.

The UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: NGO responses to the Implementation of the Rules on Medical Care, Rehabilitation, Support Services and Personnel Training- Regional Report WPRO. WHO/DAR/02.8, Distr: General, English only, World Health Organisation (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland.


Nayar, U. S. Life in the Fast Lane: Prevention of Substance Abuse Among Youth-A Challenge in India. The Journal of Psychological Researches, Vol. 46, No.1 &2, January, August. The Madras Psychology Society, Chennai, India.


Nayar, U.S. Appeal to Helping Professions: Protect Mankind and Prevent War, published in AIFO Journal, Bologna, Italy, 2001

Nayar, U.S. (2001). Behavioural Issues Among Adolescents: A Social Science Perspective

Nayar, U.S. The Programme Implications for the Disabled and the System of Primary Health Care (2001) submitted.


Nayar, U.S. Nutrition and Health needs of Working Children in Greater Bombay, In IRDC (Canada), UNICEF and S.N.D.T. University, Bombay, Seminar Proceedings.


Nayar, U.S. Growing Up Together – Adolescents and Parents.


Nayar, U.S., & Kale, P. (Ed.) (1998). Child Development and Counselling in Child Counselling, Bombay.

Nayar, U.S. (1998). Urban Gypsies – A Look at the Street Kids in Mumbai.


Nayar, U.S., Helen & Kantigiri (Eds.) & Berkely, (1997) Child Labour in Developing Countries: An Internal or Internalised Issue? Maternal and Child Health, U.S.A.

Nayar, U.S. (1997). Dilemmas of Child Labour and Health Risks. Proceedings of Urban Childhood Session on Child Labour, Trondheim, Norway.

Nayar, U.S. (1997). Nowhere Children: A Study of Street Children in Bombay.


Nayar, U.S. (1996). The Situation of Ageing: The Chip and the Old Block. United Nations, ESCAP

Nayar, U.S. (1996). The Urban Gypsies and the Role of Family and Technology


Nayar, U.S. (1995). Declining Sex Ratio in Gujarat

Nayar, U.S. (1995). Equal opportunities for all : a community rehabilitation project for slums, WHO, Manila

Nayar, U.S. Living Conditions of working Children Implications for Educational Strategies

Nayar, U.S. (1995). Social Development of Adolescents in India, WHO, Geneva


Nayar, U.S., & Nayar, R. (1994). Leprosy and AIDS : Bonds of Stigma

Nayar, U.S. (1994). Involvement of Youth in Health Education and Health Promotion on Tobacco, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, WHO/TISS Workshop.

Nayar, U.S. (1994). Street Children : The Concept of the "New Family" or "Strengthening Existing Families", WHO, Geneva


Nayar, U.S. (1993).Programme on Substance Abuse, WHO.

Nayar, U.S. (1993). Youth and Ethnicity: the Medium is the Message, In Ethnic Identities and Social Transformation, International Institute of Peace and Research, New Delhi.


Handbook: Fourth Training Programme on Methodology of Women's Education and Development, Department of Women's Studies. National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 

Nayar, U.S. (1992).Tolerating the Intolerable: Situation of Children in the Developing World In Paediatric Nursing, Eds. Heather Clarke & Betty Davis, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Proceedings of the Conference, Child Health 2000.

Nayar, U.S. (1992). Parenting Adolescents, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, India.

Nayar, U.S. (1992). Training the Trainers of Scouts and Guides Internationally in the Involvement of Leprosy Relief and Control, AHM Leprosy Relief Organisation, Munich, Germany.


Nayar, U.S. (1991). Methodological Issues in Studying Psycho-social Development in Disadvantaged groups of Children in Ethnography of Childhood, International Institute of Social Studies, Camrose, Alberta, Canada.

Nayar, U.S. (1991). Work Patterns of the Girl Child. The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol.LII, 1.


Nayar, U.S. (1990). The Indian Journal of Social Work on Girl Child, TISS. Guest Editor of the Special issue.

Nayar, U.S. (1990). Reconstruction of Society by Youth: Myth, Dream or Possibility, In Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on Youth and Culture, Seoul, Korea.

Nayar, U.S. (1990). Coping with Stigma: The Psychological bottlenecks in Leprosy Rehabilitation Community Based Approach, Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Wardha, India.

Nayar, U.S., Nayar, P.S. et al. (Eds), (1990). Psycho-social Behaviour of Youth: An Another Perspective on Indian Youth: A Profile, Sterling Publishers.

Nayar, U.S. (1990). Child Welfare: The Role of State for the Next Generation, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. Child Labour and Development - The Dilemma, Steps to its Resolution (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. (1989). Social Aspects of Leprosy Control, WHO, Geneva, and International Research and Documentation Centre, Bombay.

Nayar, U.S. (1989). Child Labour Law: A Socio-Legal Myopia, The Indian Journal of Social Work, L, (4).

Nayar, U.S. (1989). The Child's responses to environment, News Letter, Central Board of Film Certification, Bombay, II (3).

Nayar, U.S. (1989). The Developing Child: An Overview and Current Concerns for School Teachers.

Nayar, U.S. (1989). Trends in Child Development Research: A Methodological Critique.

Nayar, U.S. (1989). Youth and Development in India (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. (1988). African Workshop on Youth Mobilisation for Leprosy Work, AHM Leprosy Relief Organisation, Munich, Germany.

Nayar, U.S. (1988). Impact of Social Change on Adolescents - A perspective from India in Adolescent Health, Australian Association of Adolescent Health, David Bennet et al. (ed.) Sydney, Australia.

Nayar, U.S. (1988). Learn while you Earn - A Promise to working Children, In Special Issue of Journal of Social Change, Pune.


Nayar, U.S. (1987). Disability: Attitude and Reality, Rehabilitation International, Sage.

Nayar, U.S. (1987). Socialisation of moral behaviour among Indian children, (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (1987). Child Labour and Education in India - A Perspective in Education and the Process of Change Eds. Ratna Ghosh & Matthew Zachariah, Sage Publication.


Nayar, U.S. (1986). Exploitation of Working Children: Situation Analysis and Approaches to Improve their conditions. In battered Children and Child Abuse Eds. Z. Bankowski and M. Carballo, Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), Switzerland.

Nayar, U.S. (1986). Causes of deprivation of family care of institutionalized children

Nayar, U.S. (1986). We are one of the Too Many: The Situation of Street Children in India, Covenant House Publication, New York.

Nayar, U.S. (1986). Status paper on Child Labour in Maharashtra, Govt. of Maharashtra, India, (Invited paper) (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (1986). Learning - cum earning for Children - A Challenge In Proceedings of J.P. Naik National Seminar on Education for All, Indian Institute of Education, Pune, India.

Nayar, U.S. (1986). Situation of Young women and Their participation in Development, (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. (1985). Child Labour and Health in India, In Child Labour: A Threat to health and Development, P.M. shah (ed), Defence for Children International, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S., (Ed.) & Kapadia, K.R. (1985). Child Labour and Health - Problems and Prospects, sponsored by WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S., & Nakhate, V.S. (1985). Child Development Studies in India,

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Training Manual on Methodology of Action Research on Child Labour and Health (Ed) for WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Facilitator Manual on Methodology of Action Research on Child Labour and Health for WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Social Science Perspective on the Status of Child Labour,WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Psycho-Social Development and Child Labour, WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S. (1985). UN (Healthy) Working Child, Health Bulletin, WHO, Geneva, (Invited).

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Youth at Cross roads, In Proceedings of the National Workshop on "Youth and society", Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Psycho - social determinants of Deviant Children, (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (1985). Employers as Social Agents of Change in Child Labour situation, (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. (1984). Educating Young Workers in Greater Bombay, In Educational Planning for the Metropolitan Cities, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi.

U.S. (1984) The role of UNICEF in Health Policy and Programming in India, (Mimeo).

U.S. (1984). Cultural Uprooting and Refugee hood in Youth in a Multi - Cultural Society, Melbourne, Australia.


Nayar, U.S. (1983). Youth in Contemporary India, The Indian Journal of Social Work, XLIV (4), (Invited paper).

Nayar, U.S. Youth in search of New Identity, WHO, Geneva, MCH/IYY/SG/84. 6-84.

Nayar, U.S. (1983-84) Growing up with House Mothers - destitute Children in Institutions, Social Welfare.


Nayar, U.S. (1983). Working Conditions and Health status of young workers, (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (1983). Working Conditions of women workers-The Role of Labour Administration Officials, (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. , & Parasuraman, S. (1982). Health Situations of Youth in India, TISS.

Nayar, U.S. (1982). Child Abuse and Urban Slums and Squatter Settlements, WHO, Geneva.

Nayar, U.S. (1982). Managing Education of Scheduled Caste Children through Communication In Proceedings of the Seminar on Education of the Socially Disadvantaged, Bombay University.


Nayar, U.S. (1981). Child Labour and Health in India, In Child Labour: A threat to Health and Development edited by D.C. Pitt et al. Defence for Children for the Ketene Project of WHO, Geneva

Nayar, U.S. (1981). Family and Development Communication: A preliminary Framework for Analysis, (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (1981). Innovative Action projects in Maharashtra for Development of Children, with Rane, A.J., (Mimeo).


Nayar, U.S. (1980). Altruism in Children: Study of boys Living in Residential Institutions, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Bombay.

Nayar, U.S. (1980). Indicators of Youth in Development, expert Group report, ESCAP, Manila, Philippines.


Nayar, U.S. (1978). Attractiveness Studies with Information Integration Theory, with Singh, R. and Saluja, S.K. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, XXV. (American Journal)

Nayar, U.S. (1978). Averaging Process in Children's Judgement of Happiness, with Singh, R. and Srivastava, P. The Journal of Social Psychology, 105. ( American Journal}

Nayar, U.S. (1978). Integration on Theory Applied to Judgement of Personal Happiness by Children with Singh, R. and Saluja, S.K. The Journal of Social Psychology, XV. (American Journal)

Nayar, U.S. (1978). Social Agents in Destitute Children's Personal happiness, The Indian Journal of Social Work, XXXIX (3).


Nayar, U.S. (1979). Socialisation of Scheduled Caste Children at School, Social Change, IX (4).


Nayar, U.S. (1976). Social Agents in Children's Happiness with Singh, R. and Srivastava, P. The Journal of Social Psychology, XCIX.


Nayar, U.S. (1973) Child Rearing practices and the Development of Fears in Children, with Sinha, D., Psychological Studies, XVIII (29).


Nayar, U.S. (1967) A Comparative Study of Fears in Children, Journal of Psychological Research, I (19).


Nayar, U.S. (1999). SAMARTH: A Pilot Study: Community Based Rehabilitation of Disabled in Two Slum Settlements of Mumbai. Sponsored by the WHO, Geneva (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (2000). Caring for People with Disabilities: Community Survey of Slums in Bombay. Sponsored by WHO, Geneva & AIFO, Italy (Mimeo).

Nayar, U.S. (2001). SAMARTH: Building and Bridging Social Capital in Urban Slum Settings. Sponsored by WHO, Geneva & AIFO, Italy (Mimeo). 



Contextualizing Media Competencies amongst Young People in Indian Culture Interfaced with Globalization


Empowering slum communities in Mumbai: Understanding participation of children from children’s perspective. An Asia Pacific Region study that includes India, Thailand, Australia, China and Sri Lanka


Child Participation in India: Exploratory Study in Mumbai, TISS, Mumbai (Draft report completed) Dr. K Anil Kumar and Prof. Usha S. Nayar


Child Participation in the Asia-Pacific Region, Childwatch International, Oslo (Preparation for publication) Dr. K Anil Kumar and Prof. Usha S. Nayar.

Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on Children and Adolescents’ Life: A Multi-National Study (India, Spain, Brazil, Norway & South Africa), Childwatch International, Oslo.


New information technology and the young generation: Evolving identities and values in mediated environment, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway


Building and bridging social capital in urban slums settings, WHO, Geneva and AIFO, Italy

Health Status of Adolescents and Youth in Greater Mumbai.


Social Development of Adolescents, WHO, Geneva (cross-cultural study between three countries) Ford Foundation


SAMARTH- Community based rehabilitation of persons with disability, WHO, Geneva and AIFO, Italy- two phases completed.

Guddu Project : Street and Slum Children and Substance Abuse, TASH Foundation, (part of the WHO International study was conducted in 22 countries of the world.)


New Information Technology and the Young Generation: Evolving Identities and Values In a Mediated Environment. Research Council, Oslo, Norway( Initiated with Dr. Ingunn Hagen)


Youth for Social Change. TISS, Mumbai


Adolescent health: A study in Greater Bombay, Ford Foundation, (with Dr. Anil Kumar and Sandhya Rani).


Correlates of Sex Ratio: A Study in Gujarat, sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India( With Dr. Anil Kumar)


Women and Substance Abuse Use, HIV/AIDS In India, Sponsored by WHO, Geneva ( with Dr. H.L. Kaila)


Combating Psycho-Social Bacteria in Leprosy. Sponsored by International Leprosy Union


Intervention study of Involvement of Children in Leprosy Awareness in Thailand, sponsored AHM by Leprosy Relief Organization Munich, Germany


Roshni Sangam - An Integrated Development Program of Female Children and Adolescents in a Slum in Bombay (Action Research Demonstrative Project), TISS, Bombay.


Street Children and Substance Abuse in India, sponsored by WHO, Geneva. (Phase 1 Completed)


Situation of Women and Children in Maharashtra, sponsored by UNICEF


Child Labour in Hazardous Industries - Gem polishing, Jaipur, Slate – Pencil, Mandsaur and Slate Industry, Markapur


Unlocking the Child Labour in Lock Industry, Concern for Child Labour, New Delhi.


Institutionalisation and Family Care Deprivation among Destitute Children (all India study), sponsored by UNICEF


Situation Analysis of Children in Difficult Circumstances, sponsored by UNICEF


A Survey of Day Care Centres in Greater Bombay, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay


Child Labour and Health, sponsored by WHO, Geneva


Health situation of Youth in India, sponsored by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. (With Dr. S. Parasuraman)


Self Identity among Harijan elites (Positive Discrimination), sponsored by Indian Council for Social Research, New Delhi, India. (National study)


Identity of Scheduled Caste Adolescents, sponsored by NCERT, New Delhi, India.


Altruism: A study of children living in residential institutional, sponsored by TISS, Mumbai

Research (Ongoing):

Understanding participation of children from Children’s perspective (A part of Asian countries study: on initial planning stage)

New Information Technology and the Young Generation: Evolving Identities and Values in a Mediated Environment : A comparative study between Norway and India

Samarth - Community based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in slum Settlements at Mumbai- the intervention strategies, monitoring and evaluation.

Supervision of Research Students

International Research Project Advisor for two students in Psychology for their doctoral programme from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. The topic for research is “ Appropriate Crisis Management in the Aftermath of Media Mediated Crisis Events” And Yoga and Cultural Development Concerns in Personality Development.

Seven students supervised for Ph.D. Degree, and four students M.Phil degree, and one students is currently working towards her doctoral degree. Six MA students got their research supervision. Also supervised term research papers for students in Health and Hospital Administration.

Recognised Evaluator of Ph.D. Programme of Universities

Evaluated Ph.D. dissertations from universities in U.K., USA and Norway in the areas of specialization.

Courses for Graduate Study

International Perspectives on Child Development (Master’s Students of Social Work) George Warren School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

Human Diversity (Master’s Students of Social Work) George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

Human Development (Master’s Students of Social Work) Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, India

Health Policy and Administration (Diploma Course in Hospital Administration, for senior level Medical Practitioners, Nurses, and Hospital Management Staff), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay

Seminar on Child and Youth Research, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, India

Seminar on Youth Research, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, India. (The above two seminars were in collaboration with the other Faculty members)

Criminal and Correctional Psychology ( Graduate Students), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay

Motivation and Emotion (Graduate students) University of Kanpur, And College, Kanpur, India

Experiment Psychology (Master’s students), University of Kanpur, And College, Kanpur, India

Developmental Psychology (Master’s and Ph.D. students), University of Kanpur, And College, Kanpur, India

Social Psychology (B.Tech. students), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Applied Social Psychology/Advanced Topics (Graduate Students), S.N.D.T. Women's University, Bombay, India

Introduction to Community Psychology (Undergraduate students) University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

Applied Psychology/Advanced Topics (Doctoral students) University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

Community Psychology Research (Graduate students) University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

Social Psychology to NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Trondheim, (Master’s Students)